A Facebook post reminded me of something I hadn't heard since I was a kid back in the day--"What a Scheib job!" and had no idea it had basis in reality. It was especially funny having grown up in Canada where there were no local Earl Scheibs. Earl Scheib was famous for his inexpensive car painting and automobile repairs as well as his eponymous
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Sam Wilson was in the meat packing and provisions business. He landed lucrative government contracts feeding the armies of the day. The barrels were branded on the tops with U.S. at the top of the circle and Wilson at the bottom part. This is where the name Uncle Sam originated.
Another place to visit during your vacation to the Bay State (and another one that I fondly remember seeing as a Ref-ling, along with visiting ye aquarium! Along with the Museum of Science, one of my favorite places in Boston)
Riffing from noluck_boston's Vintage Massachusetts commerical: While you're on vacation in the Bay State, here's one place to visit, in this 1970s-era commercial (which I remember seeing as a wee Ref in the early 1980s, on Boston's Channel 56, back when it was still WLVI) :
THIS AD, probably one of the most famous recruitment posters ever, came from the Creel Committee (producers of pro-war propaganda and civic involvement propaganda) and was drawn by illustrator James Montgomery Flagg in 1917 (although used extensively in WW2 as well)